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- buying_a_vehicle @faq
- ck the REG/VIN against their database, they will (should) do this for you, and its just another check to c... level and make sure its NOT white and creamy, it should be anywhere from a golden clear colour to black, not any other colour. Check the coolant, it should be clear and pink, blue or green, if its any othe... black smoke which immediately goes away but there should not be any persistent smoke. Important: in cold w
- general_frequently_asked_questions @faq
- ut generally; Fresh can be emptied anywhere, Grey should be emptied down a drain that is not a storm drain, and Black should only be emptied into a sewer or identified dispos... nal lighting, its a personal choice thing and you should be able to make it however you want it. Just make... ==== We are often asked what the tyre pressures should be, and the short answer is, look in the manual t
- syntax @wiki
- by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. You should use forced newlines only if really needed. =====... can use the following syntax: <code> I think we should do it > No we shouldn't >> Well, I say we should > Really? >> Yes! >>> Then lets do it! </code> I think we should do it > No we shouldn't >> Well, I say we shoul
- snow_and_mud @faq
- you've already fitted your snow chains (which you should have already done) and that's not helping then re... ing a hole will just make this way harder than it should be. Get out your Grab Boards and put them right... some care, pick your anchor point wisely because, should it not support the load, you could find yourself ... ehicle when you're winching, stay inside, because should an anchor break or a connector or strap you'll fi
- the_law @legal
- ory. That being said, the restraint of passengers should be taken seriously because should, in any accident, any person be injured whilst not restrained, then the... of not ensuring the safety of his passengers, and should that passenger be a minor then the additional off... trofit seat-belts? Well yes technically, but they should be fitted by a company who is authorised to ensur
- batteries @electrical
- y to 50% without damaging it. The nominal voltage should be 13.5 and should be charged at 14.5. ==== Gel, AGM or Sealed ==== A battery that instead of using a ... d to 80% without damaging it. The nominal voltage should be 13.4 and should be charged at 13.7. ==== Real Battery Manufacturers vs Dangerous Chinese ===== There
- newbies_corner @faq
- ections so you don't have to read it all, but you should real it all of course. ===== Manuals ===== Go ... l be a button to enable the water pump, and there should be a button to switch power between the vehicle a... r while to get cold, where as a compressor fridge should cool down quite quickly and you'll be able to hea... r heaters can use gas AND mains at the same time, should you feel the need. Remember, water heaters are
- auto_additions_nationwide @repair
- ix his dangerous work and that he feels that they should have changed a brass connector for £15 but I am j... ix his dangerous work and that he feels that they should have changed a brass connector for £15 but I am j... ix his dangerous work and that he feels that they should have changed a brass connector for £15 but I am j... ix his dangerous work and that he feels that they should have changed a brass connector for £15 but I am j
- after_an_accident @legal
- e information being provided is correct, then you should involve the Police. If there's a crowd gathering... , and the dashcam video (if you have one, and you should by now) and then save them all in a folder. Your insurance company *should* want them and you'll be able to send them on whe
- living_full_time @legal
- fine and possibly withdrawal of their permission should they break the rules, so consider moving between ... ing only 21 days to be safe in each, and everyone should be happy with that, but do keep a record of when ... ts showing this so you can back up your movements should a site owner receive local authority harassment.
- weights_and_plates @chassis
- e plates are important so don't dismiss them. You should at the very least check that the VIN on the chass... en Mass, Gross Weight, GVWR or MTPLM. This weight should never be exceeded. The next value, in our case
- start
- se feedback. If you are a company and believe you should be on the wiki, yep - feedback at the bottom. =
- the_blog @blog
- terest, but please don't steal content, this site should be online for the next few decades now we're not
- 3rd_generation_2006_x250 @chassis
- 4t (the Maxi) and with the AL-KO chassis 5t. (It should be noted that in the UK for some stupid reason yo