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the_law @legal
22 Hits, Last modified:
rt, have a driving licence, have Insurance, own a vehicle, and the list goes on. The reason for this being ... == Definitions ===== A motor caravan is “a motor vehicle (not being a living van) which is constructed or ... s which are reasonably necessary for enabling the vehicle to provide mobile living accommodation for its us... less of their size or weight. A living van is “a vehicle, whether mechanically propelled or not, which is
buying_a_vehicle @faq
18 Hits, Last modified:
====== Buying a Vehicle ====== With so many scams out there its important, if not vital to be streetwise when buying a vehicle from anywhere. Here's a few tips we've picked up ... ur own risk. ===== History ===== Never buy any vehicle without running a history check. Make sure you've seen the vehicle, make sure there's absolutely no sign of tamperin
after_an_accident @legal
11 Hits, Last modified:
e else might not be, and quite often an unplanned vehicle-interface situation is the result. Even if no on... e ===== Hazard lights on. If you can, move your vehicle off of the carriageway, to the hard shoulder or v... do so, and assuming you're fit to do so, exit the vehicle and check on the other vehicles occupants, are th... = Survey ===== If you can, and you've exited the vehicle, then survey the scene using your mobile phone. P
weights_and_plates @chassis
9 Hits, Last modified:
====== Weights and Plates ====== Your Vehicle will have a number of information plates installed under the... u must be aware of the weight limits. ===== The Vehicle Plate ===== {{:chassis:img_0129.jpg?400|The Vehicle Plate}} Here we can see the manufacturer, the VIN co... our case its 5000Kg is the maximum weight of the vehicle and everything in it, that includes you and all t
snow_and_mud @faq
8 Hits, Last modified:
re someone who enjoys the wild, and/or uses their vehicle all year round then at some point unless you're r... ng from 5ton to 30ton depending on model, if your vehicle weighs 5ton, then you 'could' get away with a 5to... a sizeable tree, but doesn't have to be, another vehicle for example or a large rock, or even a ground anc... could find yourself in trouble and damaging your vehicle. Once you've got your anchor secured, and the w
general_frequently_asked_questions @faq
7 Hits, Last modified:
answer is, look in the manual that came with your vehicle. If you have a motorhome, then check the manual f... ting setup because they are obligated to fail any vehicle that does not comply. ==== HID or LED headlight... ver going to be acceptable, and can even set your vehicle on fire. Buy Philips or Osram only. They are expe... ve, but there's a reason for that. - Park your vehicle facing a wall or fence at a distance of about 3m
connections @structure
6 Hits, Last modified:
ed a MAYPOLE Connector, or MP372B or MP373B ==== Vehicle Fittings to be installed in the side of the vehicle, or to replace a broken one ==== [[ :iec309male.jpg?200|The male fitting in White}}]] Vehicle Fitting (Male) White [[|{{:structure:iec309blackmale.jpg?200|The Male Vehicle fitting in BLACK}}]] Vehicle Fitting (Black) Whit
tyres @chassis
4 Hits, Last modified:
e of the most important maintenance items on your vehicle, and they can quite literally save your life and ... tter to ensure you have the correct tyres on your vehicle, so make sure you understand the numbering and ra... k them exploding whilst driving which for a large vehicle can be catastrophic, and seriously injure people.... y its not really worth mixing load ratings on the vehicle and its better to just go for the same all round.
newbies_corner @faq
4 Hits, Last modified:
heater, the control panel and of course the base vehicle. If you look in manufacturers you'll find we alre... re should be a button to switch power between the vehicle and leisure batteries. These are the main functio... tion fridges can use mains, gas and 12V (when the vehicle engine is running) whereas compressor fridges can... hen it goes wrong, always keep backup food in the vehicle, be that crisps, bran bars, pot noodle, and pick
living_full_time @legal
3 Hits, Last modified:
family member, then technically you can move your vehicle between these plots every 28 days, providing you ... l Justice and Public Order Act 1994 to seize your vehicle. ===== Real Life ===== Most of the people I kn... passed preventing anyone from living in a mobile vehicle with the usual excessive penalties to force compl
recovery_services @recovery
3 Hits, Last modified:
to underwrite, and general exclusions include any vehicle over 15 years old, anything over 7m, breakdowns c... ng it make sure you ask them to confirm that your vehicle will be covered. ===== Synopsis ===== If you h... select, CHECK and DOUBLE CHECK that your specific vehicle is covered and will be serviced at the roadside.
general_faq @structure
3 Hits, Last modified:
lable in the UK/Europe are built onto an existing vehicle, usually a van (Ducato/Boxer/Daily etc). The gene... o. You should be able to walk on the roof if your vehicle has a ladder on the back, but keep to the sides and away from skylights and from the front of the vehicle where there is often a raised area. * Q: Can
al-ko @chassis
2 Hits, Last modified: \e​ The AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group is a swiftly growing global tech... employees and more than 40 sites worldwide. AL-KO Vehicle Technology includes the seventeen international b
batteries @electrical
2 Hits, Last modified:
designed to unload significant power to start the vehicle, then be immediately recharged by the alternator ... e battery responsible for running the rest of the vehicle, interior lights, fans, entertainment, fans for h
laptops @electronics
2 Hits, Last modified:
ecuring ===== Keeping it safe when you leave the vehicle is critical to hanging on to it, especially as ma... p, but you MUST bolt it down to the floor of your vehicle to be effective. Also be aware that you'll need t
cleaning @plumbing
2 Hits, Last modified:
windows @structure
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parts @airheating
1 Hits, Last modified:
motorway_services @apps
1 Hits, Last modified:
3rd_generation_2006_x250 @chassis
1 Hits, Last modified:
ec200 @electrical
1 Hits, Last modified:
ec325_and_328 @electrical
1 Hits, Last modified:
car_parks @faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
why @faq
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adrian_flux @insurance
1 Hits, Last modified:
caravanguard @insurance
1 Hits, Last modified:
comfort @insurance
1 Hits, Last modified:
the_caravan_club @insurance
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yardleys_garage @repair
1 Hits, Last modified:
alarms @security
1 Hits, Last modified:
additional_taxation_zones_to_avoid @faq:clean_air
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