
RoadRoamers Returns

After what seems like years but was infact only 9 months RoadRoamers returns on a new host and with a new domain. We weren't able to keep the old domain but we were able to save most of the content, which we are slowly transferring to the new site. You'll notice that we chose to go with a WIKI rather than a forum this time, the thinking was that this site is and has always been a resource and a wiki is a better format for providing fast access to that resource. We may still add a forum at a later date (feedback and tell us what you think?).

We have unfortunately lost the blog from the old site, when we backed it all up the blog was stored as html pages rather than in the database so that's gone, but we'll get right to it and publish articles on a schedule again. If you wish to contribute a guest blog then feedback! We'd love that.

As I'm sure you're aware this site is run entirely by volunteers and we all contribute a little time each week to maintain it, but we are few (5) and we're always happy to welcome new contributors, either generally or specialists, feedback if you're interested please?

Finally, please feel free to link to our site, either the homepage or the namespace of interest, but please don't steal content, this site should be online for the next few decades now we're not being nailed for bandwidth charges.

The Team

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  • blog/the_blog.txt
  • Last modified: 2023-05-14 20:16
  • by genadmin